Doing Brave Sh*t I Quit My Job and I Am Happy

Doing Brave Sh*t I Quit My Job and I Am Happy

Attention Everyone:  Just like Elvis, Mel has officially left the building.  

i quit my job and i am happy

Steal the Look:  Dress // Jacket // Boots // Necklace // Earrings

you are brave and strong

Annnnnd, That's a Wrap!


Au revoir

Auf Wiedersehen



Deuces ✌🏽

Bye Felica!

To be blunt . . . I quit my job!

Am I sad about it?  

Not at all.

Am I worried?  

Nope. #thugshrug

Was I scared? 

I was only scared for like 2.2 seconds.  And then I very quickly got over it.

To be honest . . . I quit my job and I am happy!

my job is making me miserable should i quit

I wish I could say I left in a blaze of glory throwing papers (and small non-sharp office supplies) in the air while brazenly verbalizing each and every (and I mean every) thought and expletive I’ve managed to suppress about work injustices.  Then I would flip my hair, sharply turn on my haunches and strut out of the door.. . .

And that was just fantasy #1 . . . 

Orrrrrrr I wish I could’ve laid claim to literally twirling out of the room (Kenya Moore, Real Housewives of Atlanta style) while proclaiming “I’m gone with the wind fabulous”.  But I didn’t.  I did the “adult” thing.  I know, boooooo!

I properly submitted a 2 weeks notice to my employer.   You know the one where you write a brief but elegant letter thanking your employer for the opportunity and wishing them luck in the future.  Yup, that one.  Super boring.  Super saccharine sweet.  HUGE Spoiler Alert:  There is no dramatic story to tell about my departure.  Waaah.  And, there was no security to escort me out of the building (looking back now, that was possibly another missed opportunity, just kidding (or am I?!)  I just did my time job for the last 2 weeks and quietly phased out.  Wah, wah, waaaaah!

i quit my job to be happy

To be honest, I drug my heels for months on pulling the trigger to finally leave my job.  I think it was fear.  Fear of the unknown and fear of leaving my comfort zone.  Because of fear, I kept putting it off.  I kept talking myself out of quitting.  I would find myself saying things like, “I’ll resign when (fill in the blank).”  Or making excuses like, “It’s not that bad when my pay structure kept changing (among other things), at least I have a job.”  And etcetera, etcetera, etcetera . . .

learn to be brave

So why did I quit?

Did I leave for more money?

Nope, ***For future reference:  I can be bought.  Just not this time.

Did a competitor lure me away with the promise of righting all of the wrongs my former employer placed before me?

Nope, not this time either.

Did I leave for a better opportunity?

HELL to the Y-E-S!!!!

how to be brave how to be strong

Spending life being unhappy, dealing with excessively unnecessary workplace drama, living life on autopilot, and caring for someone you love with terminal cancer was emotionally and physically draining.  I want to make it clear that caring for Chameka was not what was ultimately draining my battery. What was draining my batter was the other stuff, the minutia (aka The Bullshit).  And when I finally took inventory and sourced the root of my unhappiness, I found that at least 85% stemmed from workplace dissatisfaction.

Although Chameka "Meek" Scott had cancer, Meek actually had quite the opposite effect.  She truly kept me sane, positive, and recharged even throughout her battle.  Meek only lived 33 (short but full) years on this earth.  And in that time, she achieved a lot and touched multitudes of people with her positive and indefatigable spirit.  In January of 2018, Chameka passed away from colon cancer.  She fought long, hard, and bravely for 2 1/2 years.  And in the 5 short years, I was blessed to know and love Meek, my outlook on life changed for the better.  Meek taught me not to stress over the small stuff, only worry about the things that I can directly control, be grateful for how little or much I have, and live life to the fullest.

be brave and have courage

Inspired by Meek, I bravely left my job for the opportunity to be happy in life (again).

Plain and simple.

death puts life into perspective

Pretty ballsy move to quit a job for happiness, right?!  After Meek’s passing, it was a very very very easy decision to do so.  I am now officially a full-time blogger.  For the first time in about 20 years (yes, I was 5 years old when I started working LOL), I’m not working for someone.  I’m self-employed and scratching the surface on finding my happiness again.

Are you thinking of doing something brave or ballsy? 

(then keep reading below)

you are braver than you think
finding happiness when you hate your job

Let's Get Confident!  5 (Encouraging) Tips for Doing Something Brave

1.  Have a game plan

Whether starting a new business, asking someone out on a date, conquering a phobia or etc, you’re going to need a plan.  Annnnnnd flying by the seat of your pants is just not a viable option for success.  When creating a game plan, it’s always helpful to visualize potential roadblocks that may come up.  Also, don’t forget to visualize what future success looks like too!  Plan your work and work your plan.

2.  Don't be afraid to try

Venturing into the unknown is scary and change isn't comfortable.  Hopefully, by having a game plan (see above), some of the stress and fear of the unknown can be alleviated.  Also if you never try, you run the risk of being stuck in the same rut . . .  always wondering what could've been.

3.  Don't be afraid to fail

But wait, didn’t you just say, “don’t be afraid to try?”  Yes, I did.  I used to be terrified and (even worse) embarrassed of failure.  I was so worried about what people were going to say about me if and when they found out that I failed.  It wasn't until I got over myself and learned to appreciate my failures that I began to succeed more. Think about it this way: Failure is like the answers to an exam.  If you pay close enough attention, your failure will tell you exactly what you need to fix in order to move forward towards success.  Remember, no one great has escaped failure.  Fail Forward.

4.  Rip off the band-aid

Have you heard of the phrase, “analysis paralysis”?  This means, that sometimes we spend so much time thinking and planning that we get stuck and never get around to pulling the trigger.  Sound familiar?  I’ve definitely been guilty of this (more times than I care to admit).  Act now and stoping thinking.  Just do it.  Just rip that sucker (band-aid) off.

5.  Surround yourself with positive vibes

By positive vibes, I mean the people who are encouraging yet realistic and objective.  Those are the ones you need in your corner.  Also, don’t be afraid to ask your friends for help.  Rome wasn't built in one day and Rome wasn't built by one person.   You can never have too many positive vibes.

Final Thoughts

I quit my job and I am happy. I hope you will feel inspired to do something brave.  Definitely, not saying quit your job or anything But hopefully, you'll be inspired to take a chance at doing something that makes you happy.

Do I know how my story will end or what will happen next?   Absolutely not.

But I know if I never took this great leap of courage, I'd be miserable wondering what could be. Never forget that life is too short to be unhappy and to live afraid.  Bravery isn't something you are born with.  Bravery is acquired over time.  You are stronger than you think.  You are braver than you think.

-xoxo Melissa

Photography: Swish Click Photography

leaving a bad job

Steal the Look

Paisley Dress (light-weight):  Asos (sold out; similar dress I'm crushing on & I'm swooning over this dress too)

Moto Jacket:  Blank NYC (an absolute favorite purchase, I wear this jacket religiously)

Over the Knee Boots:  Tony Bianco (these babies are perfect for us thicker leg girls, where ya at!) *See how I styled them here too)

Necklace:  BaubleBar (sold out; similar necklace here)

Earrings:  BaubleBar

Where You Can Find Me on Social Media


THE ‘GRAM (the pretty pictures):

PINTEREST (the inspiration):

FACEBOOK (a little this + a little that):

TWITTER (the sass + musings):