This Is Mel Drake

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Human Rights + Black Lives Matter: An Honest Open Letter to My Readers

Human Rights + Black Lives Matter: An Honest Open Letter to My Readers

I’m no longer afraid to speak up and here’s why you shouldn’t be afraid either

Confession Time: I can't believe I held off posting this picture from about 1.5 years ago because I feared it would be too "controversial" to post on Instagram and on my blog.

Why? I was told that people only come to Instagram to see pretty pictures.

Wow, how times have changed.

My, how I've grown.

I asked myself, “what good am I doing” if I’m not open, vocal, candid or honest with you, my friends?

And as a role model, “what example am I setting” for my younger cousin (and others) who look up to me?

And as a black woman, “why should I be afraid” to speak up about continued generational injustices against my people?

I preach about confidence. Hell, I’m the founder of the Pure Confidence Movement. The very foundation and mission of my blog is “to empower and awaken confidence in those who don’t see their see their true value.”

Yet, I didn't feel empowered enough to speak up on social media.

And when I relaunched and rebranded my blog, I promised that you would always “get the good, the bad and the ugly in my life along with the lessons I’ve learned.”

And I’ve learned a big lesson.

I will no longer fail you by not walking the walk.

So let’s get real. . .

Here's the hard raw honest truth: What's happening now with the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Brionna Taylor has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with politics and has EVERYTHING to do with humanity.

Point blank: this is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue.

Now is the time to choose what you want to stand for.

Now is the time to decide what side of history you'll be standing on when all is said and done.

Now is the time to get uncomfortable.

Now is the time speak up for humanity because #blacklivesmatter ✊🏽❤️

Where Can I Learn More?

Check out these additional resources to educate and learn more:

Let’s confidently work together to put an end to racism

-XOXO Melissa “Mel” Drake

See this content in the original post

Where to Find Me on Social Media

Same place; same bat channel


THE ‘GRAM (the pretty pictures):

PINTEREST (the inspiration):

See this gallery in the original post