Yeah Baby, Yeah! White Ankle Boots

how to wear white ankle boots #ootd #fashionblogger #fashionista

"Yeah Baby, Yeah!"

Have you noticed that white ankle boots are everywhere this season?  A few years ago, you couldn't pay me enough to wear white boots.  Annnnnd don't even think about trying to convince me to wear anything white after Labor Day.  Yes, I was one of those people LOL.  I've seen the movie "Serial Mom" and I know what happens to those who break this fashion commandment.  Fast forward to today and I'm absolutely living for my white booties.  Just like adding a brightly colored shoe to a neutral outfit makes it pop, I'm finding that white booties are the next level in upgrading an outfit.

Not to mention, I totally feel like a totally groovy shagadelic minx from Austin Powers.

-xoxo Melissa

Scroll through to see some of my favorite white ankle boots

*Keep scrolling for full details on what I wore

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white boot outfits #ootd #fashionblogger #fashionista
how to style white boots #ootd #fashionblogger #fashionista
preppy street style #ootd #fashionblogger #fashionista
how to wear white boots #ootd #fashionblogger #fashionista
white boots street style #ootd #fashionblogger #fashionista
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preppy style #ootd #fashionblogger #fashionista

What I Wore

White Booties:  Nine West (similar) // Top:  Zara, old (similar here with a surprise bonus) // Blouse underneath:  Asos // Purse:  Rebecca Minkoff // Bracelet:  David Yurman // Earrings:  SUGARFIX by Baublebar // Jeans:  H&M, old (similar)

Photos by Christine Wright